Friday, October 9, 2009

Molly's Advice-Dont eat tin foil!

I know I look innocent , but the lady caught me red pawed. I went dumpster diving and found some foil that had covered lasagna.

I was very sorry, at least when she caught me. The words that came out of her mouth were not very loving, so I skedaddled up the stairs to a safe area.

Luckily for me most of the foil went on through, funny to watch a human sift though dog poop, but last night I barfed up two pea sized balls of shiny foil.
That meant a trip to the vet, luckily xrays show metal and mine showed that all but a few tiny pieces had moved on through, we do have strong guts, or guts of steel as I call them!

There was no way for her to tell how much I consumed since I did a pretty good job of shredding.
My advice, no matter how good it smells if it is shiny leave it alone!

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