Thursday, December 31, 2009

Small World! A rescue dog story!

Small World!
A last minute call for tracking pictures found me going through my files.There was a picture of Molly when she learned to track back at Camp Jackpot. As we went to find the instructor for her lesson that day years ago, she kept pulling like a train, well a small train, towards the instructor's van. I assumed there were plenty of tasty treats inside so she wanted to get in there. I literally had to pick her up because she kept trying to leap up and into the van. The instructor's dog inside was furiously barking and Molly joined in. The instructor called in and told Missy to be quiet. With a funny feeling I looked in the van to see a border collie, one that looked somewhat familar. I asked Debbie if she had had the dog long and she said no, she was a dog she just got from rescue. I then asked where the dog was from. Ends up that Missy was an older neighbors dog that Molly used to play with all the time. Missy got to be too much for the older gentleman and suddenly she was gone. No wonder Molly kept trying to get in the van, she knew it was Missy. Missy got renamed and went on to become one of the elite Geese Police used to chase geese out of ponds. Anyway, the post from my blog about tracking includes one of Molly and Debbie all those years ago! Molly looked a little chunky then!

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