Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Molly's Birthday- another work day!

For 12 years Molly has exhibited great work ethics.
She is always willing to work , even if I have to ask her to try it again.
This pic, she got the treat and dropped down too quick.

Another treat was placed and I asked her to look there. Perfect!
She then had to do some more shopping.

Then she had to work for a nice stranger.
What a worker!
The pictures were taken at an incredible store with the best selection I have ever seen for dogs that want to go natural.
It is the Midas Touch
Health Store in Berryville,Va.
Check them out online!


ELK said...

you go Molly...did she get some treats out of it?

Diane Schuller said...

great shots Jean and Happy Birthday to MOlly!

Jean M Fogle said...

Yes Molly got plenty of treats for her hard work!