Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rainy Day fun!

Rain rain everywhere. On rainy days, I get out the tasty treats and give Molly some much needed mental and physical exercise by doing some trick training.

She immediately is interested when she hears the treat bag open . She always offers tricks before
I even ask. Most of the time she offers the last trick I trained, in this case , she offered what I call the hunting pose trick. I wanted to capture her pointing in a picture but in the field she is always in the wrong position to capture the picture. Now all I have to do is to have her stand, say paw and suddenly she is on point@
The cup game is a favorite

Backup is a great skill for dogs to learn .

Take the tissue is handy in the winter.

And when shuts the door , she really slams it!

1 comment:

Diane Schuller said...

great tricks you taught Molly and I see how useful for photos too! I too tend to do the trick/treat time but mostly in winter. My dogs do the same thing ... as soon as the treats come out they're throwing behaviours at me! Aren't dogs a delight!