Thursday, November 20, 2008

Be Open to Change!

You never know where life might lead you! When my husband Terry gave me Molly, our JRT, I would never have forseen where she would take me and what she would teach me.

She has taught me to learn new tricks.

Don't be afraid to get down and dirty.

Be kind to those smaller than you.

Be curious each day and try to stay out of trouble.

Make new friends.

Live each day joyfully!

Be polite when asking for food.

Deal with disappointment! This is the picture that Molly feels should have been the cover of my book

To never be afraid to dig deeper to achieve the goals you seek.

Accept what you can't change with good grace.

Allow new friends into your life!

1 comment:

Shelli said...

I especially love the shot with his head in the sand. Too cute!